HyperLib 1997 Winter - Disc 1
Menu Events 1.3 folder.sit
Menu Events 1.3 folder
Menu Events 1.3
Menu Events Help.rsrc
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selection, it does not cause a Select Menu Item script command to be
NOTE: While receiving a Select Menu Item event does simulate a menu
recorded, but should work as usual.□
selections, try again with the Caps Lock key up. The command will not be
If an application seems to be misinterpreting or not receiving menu
release the Caps Lock key, to suppress the recording capability.□
duplication, you can use the item窶冱 Command-key equivalent (if any), or
two commands when you select an item from its menus. To prevent this
If the application is scriptable in its own right, a script editor may record
be processed in the usual way.□
Whether or not it succeeds in recording the event, the menu selection will
command. A gentle 窶徼wang窶 sound confirms that this has happened.
pressed), so that a script editor can record the event as a script
selection (including parameters for any modifier keys which were
Menu Events will create a Select Menu Item Apple event to represent the
if the Caps Lock key is down at the time you release the mouse button.
where Menu Events is installed, menu item selection behavior is modified
When you are using a high-level-event-aware application on a machine
□□□□xApple Event Recording Capability□
to do program linking unless Menu Events is locked.□
remote program linking. In particular, guest users should not be allowed
should be careful about which users and applications are enabled for
IMPORTANT NOTE: Users of machines where Menu Events is installed
Events at startup shows whether or not the lock is in effect.□
remote sender to require user interaction. The icon displayed by Menu
because most will assume the default interaction state, not expecting any
necessary for Menu Events to be useful with most target applications,
that events sent from a remote machine are not rejected. This trick is
the default value, it will momentarily change it to kAEInteractWithAll, so
it sees that the user interaction state is kAEInteractWithLocal, which is
processes can be controlled by remote senders. If it is not locked, and if
only target applications which explicitly allow interaction with all
If the Menu Events extension is locked, using Finder窶冱 Get Info dialog, then
Users & Groups (permission to user), and Finder窶冱 Sharing (permission to
usual program linking checks apply, namely, Sharing Setup (on/off),
If the sending and receiving applications are on different machines, the
the event.□
other process, the Menu event handler will respect that state, and refuse
kAEInteractWithSelf, where it disallows interaction requested by any
If the target application is in that rare user interaction state,
target application before sending it a Menu event.□
time. Another approach would be to call SetFrontProcess to activate the
Menu event, if there is any chance that it will be in the background at the
user interaction, it should call AEInteractWithUser before sending the
posted anyway. Since your sending program is indirectly instigating a
the kAECanSwitchLayer flag has no effect, and the notification request is
If both the sending program and target application are in the background,
wait state, disrupting its usual background event processing behavior.□
receives a Menu event with this flag not set, it may go into a notification
notification request. If the target application is in the background, and
target application to come to the front without having to post a
interaction. It should also set the kAECanSwitchLayer flag, allowing the
flag in the sendMode parameter to AESend, in order to achieve user
The sending program must set the kAECanInteract or kAEAlwaysInteract
when it sees a mouse-down event.□
target application to the front, where an application always expects to be
if it did, it would still have to request user interaction just to bring the
know which menu selections will really require user interaction, but even
joint sender/receiver control over user interaction. Menu Events doesn窶冲
The Apple Event Manager implements a complicated but sensible model for
□□□□xUser Interaction Policy□
unknown Apple event, as it should.)□
a problem if it returned errAEEventNotHandled when faced with an
classes, preventing Menu Events from working. (The handler wouldn窶冲 be
applications, for example, bind their own handler over all Apple event
rather than some handler supplied by the application. Many Microsoft
includes a null 窶徼attoo窶 parameter to prove that it handled the event,
NOTE: When replying to any of the three event types, Menu Events
as though the user had actually made the selection.□
selected. The patches then remove themselves. From there, it is exactly
specified. The patched traps tell the application that the given item was
simulate another mouse click in the menu bar, with modifier keys if
Sixth (in the case of a Select Menu Item event), it posts an event to
enable/disable flags are set in the normal fashion.□
items may differ from the norm. Menu Events assumes that the count and
non-standard menu definition procedure, its way of counting or disabling
noSuchMenuItemErr, or menuItemDisabledErr. If the menu has a
menu item is valid and enabled. If not, it returns noSuchMenuErr,
Fifth (in the case of a Select Menu Item event), it verifies that the given
menus up to date.□
themselves. This step is solely to ensure that the application brings its
application that no menu item was selected. The patches then remove
the menu bar, with modifier keys if specified. The patched traps tell the
Fourth, if everything is OK, it posts an event to simulate a mouse click in
Menu event is still pending, it returns menuEventPendingErr.□
If it finds that the patches are already in place, meaning that an earlier
Third, it patches some traps so that it can gain control of menu bar clicks.
in normal operation. If it is refused, it returns errAENoUserInteraction.□
menu bar click while it is in the background, something that never happens
interaction, because it could be dangerous to feed the target application a
Second, it asks for the application to be brought to the front for user
First, it verifies that the given menu is valid. If not, it returns
happen, but the event handling is more complex.□
When you send a Query Menu or Select Menu Item event, the same things
application stays in the background or in the foreground, wherever it was
basis of the application窶冱 menu list structure. Through all of this, the
event handler provided by Menu Events forms a reply to the query on the
the resulting high-level event as an Apple event without looking at it. The
When you send a Query Menu List event, the ideal application dispatches
□□□□□□□テ・□□□How Does Menu Events Work?□